Despite the public interest in US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) records, and their value to genealogical and historical research, future access to USCIS records remains in jeopardy.
Sixth and I Synagogue, Washington D.C., building dedicated in 1908
Looking for local experts to help research your Jewish family history from anywhere?
Are you looking for a local Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC network of experts and enthusiasts to help you research Jewish family history from anywhere in the world? The Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington was founded in 1980 to collect, preserve, and disseminate Jewish genealogical knowledge and information. We’re here to help by providing programs, support, and guidance to find and use resources located in the greater Capitol Region and elsewhere.
Benefits of Membership:
Monthly JGSGW Meetings. In-person and/or electronic monthly meetings center on speakers presenting timely, interesting, or unique topics. Members have access to recordings and handouts from previous meetings. Meetings also provide an update on society activities, welcome to new members, and schmooze time for announcements, questions, or just to say “hi.” With collective experience of more than 40 years, members often act as mavens and provide mentoring to assist others in their research. We encourage researchers, from beginner to advanced, to participate and share their knowledge.
Latest News from JGSGW (LNFJ). A brief round-up of activities in the world of genealogy, especially Jewish research, is emailed weekly to members. LNFJ is a time-saving treasure for society members who want to learn about resources and events from a wide range of sources in a single document.
Members-only Access Through the JGSGW Website.
- Face Compare Tool, a tool through which members may match photos of unknown faces to those of known relatives
- DNA Bootcamp, a series of helpful recorded lessons explaining use of DNA analysis in genealogy
- JGSGW member contact information
- List of surnames members are researching
- Quick links to select archived speaker presentations, articles, aids, and past issues of LNFJ
Facebook Group. JGSGW’s public “face” on Facebook invites anyone to “Like” us and join in the effort to share genealogy resources, check out Society events, and connect with others interested in Jewish genealogy. Exclusively for JGSGW members, this group is designed as a place to share information and to post members-only content and activities. When submitting a request to join this group, you will be asked to verify that you are a current member of JGSGW. https://www.facebook.com/jgsgw/
Monthly Online Meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGS). JGSGW members who are interested may join by emailing education@jgsgw.org
- Litvak SIG, with specialist Miriam Nadel, meets the first Wednesday of the month from 8 to 9 PM. The link opens at 7:45.
- Bukovina/Galicia SIG, with specialist Nina Gafni, meets the second Wednesday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. The link opens at 7:30.
- If enough members show an interest, additional SIGS may be set up.
JGSGW is a non-profit organization under U.S. Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Contributions to JGSGW may be tax-deductible; consult your tax advisor.
Questions? Contact JGSGW’s Vice President for Communications at jgsgw@jgsgw.org
Mailing Address: PO Box 1614, Rockville MD 20849-1614
March 16
The Pros and Cons of Collaboration on Geni.com
Working with others is better than working alone. For years, genealogists have worked to solve the puzzle of their ...
April 22
Unlock the Future of Jewish Genealogy with Artificial Intelligence: Part 1
Steve Little will share information on AI and Jewish genealogy, derived from an insatiable curiosity to explore beneficial uses and current limits ...
April 29
Unlock the Future of Jewish Genealogy with Artificial Intelligence: Part 2
Steve Little will share information on AI and Jewish genealogy, derived from an insatiable curiosity to explore beneficial uses and current limits ...